Join the program$2900Special offer: $2400Values2Wellbeing™ Certificate Program
Professional Coaches are needed NOW, more than EVER!
How would you feel if you could…
- Experience the accomplishment of getting remarkable results for clients.
- Be a sought-after resource over a sea of other coaches.
- Provide a new proven way of coaching backed by high-profile scientists.
Become a Values2WellBeing Coach Today!
Join Our Online Program (Starting January 28th, 2023)
Values2Wellbeing™ is a research-based coaching program, certified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), carefully designed to help your clients examine the complexity of their values systems and then focus their time and attention on what matters most to them.
The study behind Values2Wellbeing™ was conducted by Senka Holzer, Ph.D., and won the 2015 Harvard Medical School Research Award. Senka worked with Laurie Cozart (ICF Master Certified Coach) and others to develop this systematic process for reducing detrimental stress, increasing resiliency, and increasing life satisfaction.
You will be certified to coach this program and earn 40 CCEU
credits towards your ICF credential renewal. (23 Core + 17 Research & Development Competencies)Here’s how …
You will receive a strong background in the newest well-being research and ethical issues, summarized in concepts and interventions that can be used in coaching:
- January 28th 10AM-Noon PST / Introductory Call
- February 4th 10AM-Noon PST / Science & Research Webinar
One-on-one and Group Coaching Support during the Program:
You will have access to Values2WellBeing™ Coaches, who are experts in the science and process and committed to your personal growth.Learn to use the Values2Wellbeing™ concepts and exercises with your own clients in the following phases:
- February 18th 9am-5pm PST / Train the Coach Module #1: Measuring your Rhetoric-Reality Gap™
- March 11th 9am-5pm PST / Train the Coach Module #2: Understanding your Values System
- April 1st 9am-4pm PST / Train the Coach Module #3: Closing your Expectation-Reality Gap™
- April 22nd 10am-1pm PST / Train the Coach Module #4: Enhancing areas that Matter Most
- May 6th 10am-1pm PST / Ethics/Bias & GRADUATION!
Post-program Benefits
- Ongoing Coach Collaboration in our private V2WB Facebook Group
- Continued access to Values2WellBeing™ resources and Coach Support*
Location: The Training is entirely ONLINE – join us from the comfort of your home!
* 120.00 per/year